Tech Tips

Thoughts on a Mac

Mac vs. PC

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I get asked what I think about Mac often. So let me start by saying that I’m not writing this article because I have a chip on my shoulder. I am sure some of the mac fans out there will view what I have to say here as sacrilegious, which actually gets to one of the core points I will be making.

Spot fake Emails

By far the most common call I get is about computer infections. Most of the time the customer has no clue how the infection got in their computer, claiming to have not done anything. The devil is in the details. This video demonstrates a common fake email that can be the digital cesspool where viruses, hijacking, scams and phishing come from. Here I received an email from "ATT" claiming that I had a bill due. The interesting thing is I do have ATT, but this email was bogus. These scams work off numbers and probability.

Stream your Media and TV

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The Olympics are on. Now if there is any sport I'm more likely to watch than Football, it's the Olympics. I'm an Olympic addict. If watching the Olympics was a sport, I'd definitely get the gold. Of course, I also have to somehow still get things done for the those two weeks. How do I cope? With Orb!

Solid State Hard Drive

Subscribe via Itunes | Subscribe via RSS Your computer is only as fast as its weakest link. The primary components that determine the speed of your computer are simply your RAM, Processor and Hard Drive. With modern day computers, most have plenty of RAM and Processing power.

Skype – Free Video Calls

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Many, if not most of us already have skype. But some people are still not too sure what it is, how it works, or if it will be useful for them.

Skip youtube commercials (with Chrome)

In the past, you might get a commercial now and then on youtube. That was then. Now it seems like every other video you watch you are forced to watch a commercial, without the option of skipping it frequently like we once could.

This prompted me to search for a way to skip commercials. Surprisingly this simple download for Chrome works, and works well! Installation takes just seconds and you are off and running.

PC Computer Guy on WIBC - Internet Doomsday

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Listen in as Nick Ellis - PC Computer Guy discusses the "Internet Doomsday" or "Malware Monday" on WIBC 93.1 Indianapolis Radio.

The Truth about Expensive Cables

Podcast/Audio version of this article

I saw an advertisement at Frys Electronics for Monster cables with a huge discount. Normally these 5’ HDMI wires ran about $35 bucks, but on sale they were only $13 bucks! Great deal right? Not so much…

The Hard Drive and RAM - Your computer's memory explained

First and foremost, let me dispel the notion that “more files” means a slower computer. It doesn’t matter if you have 5 pictures, or 100 pictures, or 10,000 pictures… at least for the most part. The same is true for music, documents or anything else.

Why doesn’t this matter?

There are TWO places in your computer that can be referred to as “memory”; the Hard Drive and your RAM. These serve completely different purposes.

eHarmony and LinkedIn passwords compromised

eHarmony and LinkedIn passwords leaked, hacked, jacked – whatever. The point is, if you have accounts with either of these systems, change them.


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